Always Learning!

The world through the prism of my mind

Archive for the ‘Esperanto’ Category

Spam comments in esperanto?

Posted by Alexandre Rafalovitch on December 28, 2006

Most of the comments to this blog are – unfortunately – spam. WordPress’s Akismet filters them out and I periodically review and delete them all. I don’t know why I bother, but once I had a real comment black-listed, so I keep making the effort. It is also semi-interesting to see how the spam attacks changed over time from automatic to semi-manual looking efforts.

Today’s  collection had a comment that gave me a double take. It went like this:

–strange junk–
vi fartas?
–spam links–
G^is revido

Which is obviously esperanto for ‘How are you’ and ‘See you later’ (though I prefer x notation myself in Gxis revido).

So, what happened there? I can see three options:

  1. Esperanto speaking spammer who decided to switch the ‘hello’ text upon seeing an Esperanto category in my blog
  2. Automatic software that looked for all blogs that mentioned Esperanto with hopes that the ‘less frequent’ language will not trigger spam filters
  3. Some sort of automatic spam algorithm picking out greetings based on the content of the blog; if that’s the case, the fact that somebody bothered adding Esperanto to their list is – in a perverse way – a cause to celebrate

I don’t think I will ever find out what happened, unless the original spammer comes back and comments on this post with the answer. Still, it is a food for thought.

Posted in Esperanto, Weird Stuff | Leave a Comment »

On open e-book standards and whether translating to Esperanto will bring more readers?

Posted by Alexandre Rafalovitch on November 5, 2006

There is a fight brewing between David Rothman of TeleRead and Bill Janssen of Plucker fame. The point of contention (as I understand the issue) is what would be good format to produce e-books in.

Bill’s position is that any format that is not already accepted (specifically not html) is a lock-in and a disadvantage, whether that format is an open standard (like OpenReader) or a proprietary one (like Sony’s BBeB). He advocates using web browsers as ebook readers.

David’s point (and he invokes me in there) is that HTML format is not sufficient for all e-books, mostly due to the layout and browser changes issues. So, if HTML is not sufficient, we have to chose a new format. Thefore, it is better if the format is an open standard that can be implemented and maintained by multiple parties.

I am with David here and mostly for the reasons he pointed out. For my interests (language learning e-books), HTML is not a good enough format. Sure, I could hack HTML into submission for some of my goals, but it will require so much javascript, that it will not work in anything but a full-blown browser. I invite Bill to replicate the functionality of the Pocket e-Sword. so that it works well in IE, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Maybe that’s why Pepper Pad is integrating FBRReader despite already having a built in Firefox web browser.

So, where does Esperanto comes into it? Well, here is Bill’s quote (emphasis is mine):

Trying to standardize on a common “ebook format”, be it some IDPF creation, some OASIS masterpiece, or even the so-called OpenReader, would only be an attempt to force them all to publish in Esperanto, instead of their house languages. They still wouldn’t have customers.

Publishing in Esperanto does not bring customers? Really! I wonder where Bill gets that data. I don’t know how many (human)  languages he speak, but the only reasonable way I could interpret that statement was as “publishing English material in Esperanto would not bring any more English customers”. That could be a a point, where he would be mostly correct. Of course, the market for Esperanto is not English, it is global.

As an example, I want to take the book/movie Night Watch by my favourite author Sergey Lukyanenko. The book started in Russian, was made into the Russian movie with english subtitles, impacted American market and finally was translated (quite well) into English. What about Chinese or Egyptians? Would they be interested in this book? Maybe, but there is no easy way to find out because translation or even subtitling is very expensive.

Except that there is a way. Night Watch has just been translated into Esperanto (announcement in russian). There is even an excerpt available (unfortunately in PDF). Now, the book is accessible to people in China, Egypt or Germany, as long as they can read Esperanto. And if there is enough interest from those people, the book can be translated into their native languages as well to reach to the rest of the audience. The push model of finding the markets suddenly becomes a pull model of market finding you. This is not a new idea, it is already used by newspapers and even Vatican. It is called establishing a beachhead, I believe.
And that’s exactly the strength of open standards. They can expand the audience beyond original planned targets and bring new markets to your solution, adapting the solution to the market needs in the process.

Closed standards control the markets they know about, open standards create new, unplanned markets. I am currently in the market segment, Sony does not want to think about. Do I wait another 5 years for Sony to catch up or do I look for open standard and open source alternatives? There should be no need to guess.

Posted in e-books, Esperanto, Publishing | 2 Comments »

Is Esperanto converting people to vegetarianism

Posted by Alexandre Rafalovitch on September 9, 2006

Many people say that they become vegetarians because they can not keep thinking that the meat they were eating came from a real animal – cow or sheep.

The rest of us can handle this problem by not thinking about the connection in too many details. Fortunately English, Russian and probably other languages help us by disassociating the name of the animal with the name of the meat that comes from it.

Esperanto does no such thing. Due to its suffix system, any animal meat has to use the suffix -aĵ. Worse yet, the meat that comes from the baby animal (like calf – a baby cow) has to also have suffix -id. Makes it easy to remember the words, but much harder to see the connection.

Let’s see this in the table for one animal:

English Russian Esperanto
Cow Корова Bovo
Beef Говя́дина Bov-aĵ-o
Veal Теля́тина Bov-id-aĵ-o

Makes it a bit harder to swallow, doesn’t it?

Posted in Esperanto | 3 Comments »

Esperanto is … a bit of everything

Posted by Alexandre Rafalovitch on July 13, 2006

Nice short video about things one could do after (and during) learning Esperanto (via Amuzulo). No surprise to anyone – except Esperanto-bashers – that one can do pretty much anything – travel, read books, make friends, play games, participate in congresses with thousands of people, etc). Any new language is a cross-cutting experience, Esperanto is not an exception.

The video finishes with a pointer to , an Esperanto learning website that I strongly recommend myself. I am currently using it as my primary learning method.
In fact, Lernu! is a better website from language-learning point of view than I have seen for other languages (e.g., French). Part of that is because many of the Esperanto resources are free (dictionaries, reading materials, etc), while resources for other languages are commercialised to the point that one site cannot even afford to integrate them together. And I am not even talking about distributed volunteer mentors that are happy to help in whatever is your first language.

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About Esperanto without nonsense

Posted by Alexandre Rafalovitch on April 15, 2006

I am an idealist inside. But I keep that well hidden. 🙂 So, when I look at something that needs to be done, I search for the low hanging fruit. Grand ambitions are fine, but if they are not backed up by the near term useful solutions, everything will stagnate and die.

With Esperanto, the core idea is so great and compelling that many people seem to have difficulties to turn their eyes to identifying more immediate opportunities. This seem to be slowly changing in the last several years with absolutely amazing projects such as and RadioArkivo.

Still, it was great to find a free online book(Esperanto: A Language for the Global Village by Sylvan Zaft) that adds in a lot of rational reasoning into the heady original concepts. The Cost-Benefit chapter is particularly interesting, but others are just as good.

I guess on the scale of Esperantists, I would be more close (but not fully aligned) with the Raumists.


Posted in Esperanto, Language acquisition | Leave a Comment »